Archive for the Short Stories Category

A Few Ideas to Help Co Parenting after Divorce Go Smoothly

Sorting through the many complexities of co parenting after a separation or divorce can be overwhelming and extraordinarily stressful. One of the many challenges can be managing the understandably raw emotions that come after such
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It’s Working

A parents of tweens group I lead had been discussing common concerns of middle school moms and dads; juggling the demands of school work and home life and handling the emotional ups and downs of
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Loving an Angry Teen

Nelly was a single mom who had been through many transitions with her two boys. A few years ago a challenging and unexpected divorce had been difficult for everyone and although she was happy to
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Tween Asks for “Mom Time”

Yvette was in 7th grade and an independent 12 year old daughter of a single mom, Marianne, who worked full time. They had been through a lot together over the years and had flourished. Yvette
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Don’t Give Up!

Will was an easily frustrated 8 year old who loved rock climbing even though it wasn’t easy for him to do. His parents took him climbing whenever they could but were drained and concerned by
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Quote from a young tween – “Great Job Mom You’re Trying to Make us a Family!”

Mae, a 10 year old, was the youngest in her family of four. Her parents had gradually incorporated more physical games into everyone’s daily routines when spring and summer were near. A ping pong table,
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Safety and Support from a Mother’s Childhood

I was leading a workshop for parents recently and one Mom, a parent of an older teen and a little one, shared a story from her own childhood. She remembered feeling relaxed and happy, “In
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Handling Worrisome Statements from Children

A dad I was talking to, Ian, often walked Tia, the younger of his 2 daughters, to school and put her to bed at night. As he often worked long hours he was happy to
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Helping an Angry Tween

Laura was 11, her younger brother, Aaron, was 8. Her family was going through a challenging economic period and there was plenty of stress at home. Laura, like many oldest siblings, was particularly affected by
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Staying Calm with An Active Child

Alisa and Ivan’s son, Henry, was a child who loved to move and hated to sit still. He was happiest when playing outdoors. Running, swimming, and bike or scooter riding were some of his favorite
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