Thoughts from Parents

Excerpts from PHP emails:

Hi Sharon, just want to let you know that X has decided to attend a terrific college and we’re happy for him. He was accepted in many wonderful schools with some exceptional merit awards. We can’t thank you enough for your guidance and advocacy during his formative years. We think of you often and are always grateful.                                  Parents I first met when their son was having multiple problems in first grade – April 2023

Thank you again Sharon. I’m so glad I contacted you as many a time I was ready to give up and quit. I have had so many dark cloud moments over the years and sometimes I lose strength and your patience, wisdom and kindness in the meetings is so appreciated.
Mom of two – May 2023

Thanks again for all  you do for our family.  So many important things happened on our recent trip that are a result of your attention, love and support.
Father of teen age son struggling with hardships from the Covid 19 pandemic.

We spoke to our daughter after you talked with her.  She said you were “ really cool” – we agree !
January 2021 – parents of teen after she and I discussed the many challenges stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic.

I wanted to thank you for seeing me the other week. Your feedback is always so helpful to me. You tell me things I never hear from other people and I cannot tell you how meaningful and impactful that is for me.
January 2019 – single mother of 11 year old girl with medical challenges.

Thank you, Sharon! As usual, our conversation helped clear out the cobwebs
January 2019 – single mother of adopted young adult son.

It’s been over four years since we’ve been in touch, and my wife, and I still talk fondly about you so often, and about all the caring, thoughtful words of brilliant advice and support you offered us when we most needed it. We are seeking some of your advice again.
May, 2018 – father of two “tween” boys.

Dear Sharon,
Thank you so much for today. Honestly one of the most comfortable experiences. We so appreciate your approach and insight. And encouragement. We have lots to process but definitely feel less anxious and look forward to our next meeting. August 2016 – mom of teen daughter

Thank you for meeting with us yesterday. It was very very helpful and we both left feeling much more grounded -relieved that we could share our experiences in a safe place/ with your facilitation. I’ll email soon for another appointment
August, 2016 – mom and dad of two young children

Dear Sharon -My daughter is in such a good state. She was talking to me a lot -this is a big improvement. I feel that your help has been amazing!! will be in touch to see you in a couple of weeks – July 2016 mom of teen daughter

Sharon, thank you very much. What you’ve given me this past week has changed my heart. I will never forget it.
– Mother of an upset teen who was refusing to include her mom in important conversations. June, 2016

We would love to come and update you on what has happened in the past year and get some thoughts from you on dealing with a child who’s first response to almost everything is “no”… (I did read the little book pamphlet you put together on that so I’ve tried a few helpful ideas…) Due to many of the tips you gave us, W.has become an amazing big sister. They play so great together most of the time. Our home has tended to be much more peaceful so thank you. And W. is unbelievable about telling us how she feels now (in great detail…) about almost everything. – Parents of two young girls. October, 2015

Thx Sharon, Please know that you do wonderful work and I think of you often as I do this mothering thing. Now that my eldest is doing well I think I can finally focus more on my other children. – from a mother of 4 – January, 2015

“She’s the best helping person ever!” – from an 8 year old after a series of appointments to help the family improve her reading skills. – September, 2014

I thought I’d let you know that my son is doing quite well. He is 23 now, (16 or 17 when I spent a very helpful year with you.)

I wanted to let you know that things turned out well and luckily most, though not all, our conversations are mature and friendly. I can’t ask for much more than that.

So thank you for the very helpful advice and calming influence that you were, and I’m sure to so many others too.

mom who wrote to let me know how her son is doing years after a particularly challenging senior year in high school – June, 2014

Thanks for keeping these groups going. I have really gotten a lot from them. They are so helpful!

single mother after attending several Saturday workshops for single moms. May 2014

I’m writing to thank you for giving us such great advice on our son. You understood him even better than we did! My husband and I started using your suggestions immediately, and we are still marveling at the results! We could see his anxiety just melt away. We continue to chuckle at how well this is working. Our eyes have been opened to the gentle nature of our son, and this new understanding has helped us be more loving parents to him. Thanks again!!

parents of three children who met with me about their youngest, a 12 year old boy. February, 2014

My husband and I have been using your tips we discussed with our son and they have been really making a difference! I don’t think we need to come in for our next scheduled appointment.

Thank you so much for helping us make better parenting choices and making a big difference in such a short amount of time.

We will reach out to you again when we encounter the next behavioral phase.

parents of K boy who was “acting up” in school and at home. January, 2014

Hi Sharon,
I can’t tell you how much seeing you and talking to you made me feel better and less overwhelmed. Thank you. – pregnant stepmother of special needs 5 year old
November, 2013

I just wanted to tell you that we talked to W. the last 2 mornings before the big day, and he held it together really well- no rude comments or angry outbursts. Even once, when he was understandably upset he recovered quickly and kept going.

Thank you so much for your advice to help him find the answers himself. I was stern about some important points but otherwise, he came up with the ideas. I’m finding talking this way is really bonding for us too. – mother of easily frustrated 9 year old who gives up when things seem too hard – September 2013

Thanks for meeting with us. It was amazing to hear V. talk so much. It is very hard for me to get her to give so much information so I appreciate your help. – Single mom of tween daughter.

I wanted to let you know that after we left your office things have improved dramatically. I can’t really explain it but C.has been much, much calmer and there has been much less strife between the girls. – parents of two grade school girls after an appointment for the entire family.

Last night’s workshop did a LOT for me. I had had a terrible day and even contemplated not going, but I knew I would benefit and I really did. Thanks again so much. – Participant in workshop for parents who want to be less angry at their child.

School and family can be very overwhelming. I always received helpful tips when attending this meeting. I appreciated being able to say how I felt without feeling judgment and to get support that I could rely on. – student parents after a series of workshops at the Baruch College Early Learning Center

Thanks Sharon. You have helped us so much! I feel like we are making great progress. – Recently separated single Mom of tween boy who was very angry about the transition.

I really love your monthly e mails thank you! I also wanted you to know that my husband and I went to see you a while ago about our kids’ sleep issues and you really helped. – Mother of two young children

I want to thank you for all your help. You are a great resource in the neighborhood and I refer people to you all the time. Thanks for doing your wonderful work. You rock. – Park Slope healthcare practitioner and mother of 2 teen sons

I feel less defeated and more grounded in my role of parent as a result of your support. It seems that my teenager too is responding a bit differently. The fighting is not as frequent, our dynamic has become more fluid.
Single mom of 9th grade teen.

Thank you Sharon. As always I get the “real” straight talk from you! – single Mom of 10 year old daughter

I have been meaning to email you to let you know how well my daughter and I are doing. We have been working thru issues and she is responding marvelously. We haven’t been fighting, her behavior has been more cooperative and we have been very close psychologically. There are still things to work on but I’m enjoying spending time with my child again.

Thanks again for all your help. Your advice has been invaluable. Mom of 5 year old daughter.

I wanted to thank you so much for last night’s meeting. You so beautifully got T to open up and share without her feeling prodded or spoken down to. It was amazing. I am so grateful that we have a plan and that you are ” there” for help in future. T felt very comfortable with you and was visibly relieved to have cleared the air on many fronts. ~ single mother juggling a new partner and a 9 year old daughter.

I think that when C and I saw you together, you managed, very quickly and clearly, to get him to see that I was a human being, flawed but trying, and somehow you showed him that I wasn’t the monster he wanted to make me into. ~ mother of 21 year old son.

Just a heads up from our home front…we’ve continued the more disciplinarian approach with b for the last 2 weeks and things have been really improving. it feels like we got our boy back and we can continue our lives as a ‘normal’ (ha, that word!) family. so – it did work, it just needed more time. I’m sure this is not the last you’re hearing from us but for now your advice has been invaluable and we thank you. ~ Mom and Dad of two children, 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter

I thought you would appreciate hearing how your techniques do work! I am sure this is not the end of her anxiety and just one of many tests of my patience and budding listening skills but things are better. Thanks! – single mother of adopted 6 year old girl

General Comments

I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and wisdom. Being part of your group over the last few years has really given me confidence in my ability to parent my son. Your sensitivity towards my issues always made me feel like I could express myself freely and I never felt judged. My relationship with my son over time has really grown and become less conflicted. Because of your group, I am much better at helping him without becoming emotional myself, (no easy feat).

I also wanted to express my appreciation for how you facilitated the group. There was always a very kind and nurturing energy in the room and I believe we all felt safe in saying things that were painful and difficult to express. Listening to other mom’s stories made me feel like I was not alone and you made that connection possible. You frequently helped me to see my problems in a larger context that helped to put things into perspective. – Mother of 8-year-old son.

“With Sharon’s help,our son has become more able to voice his frustrations rather than physically act on them.It is easier for my wife and I to be patient with G. when we have specific methods at hand to turn to in difficult moments.We are able to act intellectually rather than emotionally.We essentially are more able to set a better example of the behavior we are asking from G.” ~married dad of 3 year old son and 5 year old daughter.

“Sharon helped me get perspectives on my reactions to my son. She helped my son and I learn to talk to each other. I am less hysterical now.” ~single mother of adopted teenage boy

“I’ve received support,information,validation and a re-framing of how I see myself and my child in a positive, nonjudgmental way.” ~married mother of 5-year old son

“Working with Sharon Peters shed a new light on my family’s issues,helped us communicate and provided practical,helpful suggestions that moved everything forward.” ~married dad of two adopted daughters,ages 3 and 6

“Sharon Peters has given me a fresh perspective on my role as a mother.Instead of focusing exclusively on the “problems” of my teenager and effective strategies for handling them, I have learned how to access the love I have for my “terrible teens” and to use that love to stay connected to them through difficult times.” ~married mother of three teenage daughters

“I have found clarity and understanding in how my husband’s death has affected both myself and my daughter. I am now better equipped to understand my daughter’s outbursts.Parents Helping Parents has been invaluable in this difficult time.” ~single mother of 3 year old girl

“I liked meeting in groups and getting to know that other parents’ feelings were similar to mine. I got a sense of togetherness.Each week was special.” ~mother of young boy and girl

“I’ve learned that parenting doesn’t have to be done perfectly.Parenting,to me,is about progress and perfection. Parents Helping Parents has helped me to progress.” ~single father of 7-year old son

“The handouts were useful. I have read and reread many of the articles.It is very important to know that I am not alone in my concerns about keeping my kids safe,enhancing their at-home time with my husband and me, and their healthy development.” ~mother of 5-year old daughter and 9-year old son

“I felt refreshed and calm after most parent groups.Sharon is a wonderful facilitator.” ~mother of 4-year old son