Archive for the Common Sense Tip Category

Finding Ways to Host at the Holidays

Welcoming family and friends to your home during the holidays can be rewarding for everyone but it is important to avoid stretching yourself thin; bringing more tension than joy. It can help to invite people
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Children sometimes lie to avoid punishment for something they have done. When this is the case a frustrated or angry response from mom or dad can aggravate the problem. Finding a way to respond empathically
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Family Night

Incorporating a family night into your week can help relieve pressure stemming from busy, demanding days and strengthen everyone’s relationships. The evening can include a ban on screens for adults and children, a fun group
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Here are a few things to remember when and if your child has a meltdown. 1. Most children have meltdowns, not just yours. 2. Meltdowns usually spring from multiple causes that have built up over
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Some Ideas to Help the Transition to School Go Well

The transition from summer to school can be challenging for parents and children. Here are a few things to keep in mind that can help: 1. Try to be especially organized the first few weeks,
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Enjoying Your Summer Part 1

When making summer plans make sure to incorporate multiple activities that children will enjoy. Sometimes an ideallic adult vacation (visitng friends, exploring beatufiul places) can backfire if children become overwhelmed, overtired or bored.

Enjoying Your Summer Part 2

When planning your summer make sure to incorporate multiple activities that you will enjoy. Find time to have a date with your partner, enjoy a walk, savor some food, relax while listening to music or
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Handling August

The heat, potential boredom and lack of childcare at the end of summer can make the last few weeks of August challenging for parents. I suggest that you consider taking a break from traditional routines
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Handling Power Battles at Home

It can be effective to find a way to disengage from an unnecessarily complicated and tense “power battle” with a child – getting involved in a lengthy “back and forth” is often unproductive.

One Idea for a Family Meeting

When children have the opportunity to contribute an “agenda item” in a family meeting it can help them listen to their parents’ ideas.